' They Call Me June: Nose Injury Caused by a Play Pen, NOT a Crib
Thursday, June 25, 2009

Nose Injury Caused by a Play Pen, NOT a Crib

When I picked Ella up from my sister's house on Wednesday evening her nose was red and raw on both sides and the top. I asked her what had happened and she said she did it on Ava's crib. Ava's crib is wooden and has bars, like every other crib, I just couldn't see how that could have caused her injury. I didn't push it, I was just trying to get the kids out of their house. But later that night, I asked Ella again. She exasperatingly told me she did it on Ava's crib! She showed me she was turning her head back and forth, back and forth. It finally dawned on me, Ava's crib at Shanna's (our kid-sitter) is a play pen and the mesh netting could have done that to her nose. After I figured that out, I turned to her and asked her why she didn't stop when it started to hurt. (It had to have hurt, she basically rubbed the skin off her entire nose!) She said Ava was laughing and it was making her laugh and it didn't hurt. The power of love and laughter at work! Here's pictures of poor Ella's raw nose (two days later). Miss Ella sure does love her cousin!

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