' They Call Me June: Easter Egg Extravaganza!
Thursday, April 9, 2009

Easter Egg Extravaganza!

My beautiful Mama invited the munchkins over for Easter Egg Dyeing and Dinner. What a great combo! I cannot tell you how much my kids love their Me-la! They adore everything she does and says. So needless to say, we always have a great time when we are with her. There is something about your mom's house that is so comfortable. The condo my Mom lives in now is not where I grew up, but every time I'm there, I'm always lounging around on the sofa, or eating chips, or snuggling in her bed while she folds laundry. Even at age 30, nothing has changed when I'm at her house, no matter the location!

So we order pizza and bread sticks, had some dinner and the egg dyeing began! I think Karsten had only dyed Easter eggs one time before this and certainly did not remember, so it was a lot of fun for both! We kept it simple, really bright colors. They started blending colors, like purple and sea green. We had so much fun picking our favorite eggs after they were done.

Thank you Me-la for a fantastic evening!

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